
This blog is a teaching ministry of the Disciples Global Network. Our goal is to address questions about the relationship between the disciple of Jesus and the State, and the question if the teachings of Jesus are compatible with the involvement of his disciples in partisan politics. Moreover, can we reconcile the often deplorable acts of the State with the Cross of Christ?

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[My Profile Picture]

My name is David Maas. I am educated in the history, language, and transmission of the Bible, and 
I have been an avid student of the Bible since shortly after my conversion in 1971, a learning process that continues to this day.

Currently, I reside in the city of  Gardnerville in Nevada. I am a native of the city of Seattle in Washington state.

My posts are provided free of charge. None are copyrighted. You may quote, copy, reuse, or distribute any article or portion thereof as you, please. If you have any questions, comments, or interest in supporting this work, please email me at david.maas@yandex.com, or, bear7755@gmail.com.

~ David R. Maas, May 2023.

